We, 2 freeks Poly and Katchaboo, decided to go on a zero-carbon vacation on double bike or how you call a bike where 2 people can ride.
First, it does not leave any exhalation, nor CO2 behind, second, it is fun, exercise and cheap trip, third, it is the best way to get to know people and landscape.
We have left from Podkozi in Mid-May going across whole Czech Republic to Slovakia. From there, we want to move by train, hitchhike or bus to East Turkey and go from the Van Lake in the nothern direction. After some hard kilometers, we shall reach Georgia. From there, we want to avoid Russia by sailing over the Black See by ferry to get to Crym peninsula.
We bike for all bikes and people who care for the environment.
First, it does not leave any exhalation, nor CO2 behind, second, it is fun, exercise and cheap trip, third, it is the best way to get to know people and landscape.
We have left from Podkozi in Mid-May going across whole Czech Republic to Slovakia. From there, we want to move by train, hitchhike or bus to East Turkey and go from the Van Lake in the nothern direction. After some hard kilometers, we shall reach Georgia. From there, we want to avoid Russia by sailing over the Black See by ferry to get to Crym peninsula.
We bike for all bikes and people who care for the environment.
Asi už ztrácím soudnost(čím to asi bude....?), ale ihned bych s vámi měnila. Přeji příznivý vítr a krásné zážitky. Jaru
OdpovědětVymazatAhoj Jaru, však berem kolemjdoucí i turisty, co jedou kolem ;-) Těším se v létě na zpívání a případně i kolo ;-)
OdpovědětVymazatAhoj dvojkolisti, zasíláme pozdrav z Podkozíčka. Zde zatím vše v poho... Barák stojí a zahrada se také snaží... Právě se chystáme do Srubu, kde Vás trochu propereme. Přejeme nadále sťastnou cestu. Alena a Milan
OdpovědětVymazatAhojky dobrodruzi, obdiv veliký! Doufám, že se vám podaří vše, co jste si naplánovali, všechno proběhne v pořádku a moc si to užijete.
OdpovědětVymazatAž budu v Turkárii, hned posílám číslo, kdyby cokoliv :)